Spiritual Nuggets
The Fresh and the New!
Out with the old, in with the new. Likely, that’s what many of you are thinking as the year 2021 comes to an end, and tomorrow marks the start of a brand-new year. It’s a time for making new resolutions, and promises to make certain changes in our lives for the good. But here’s an even better way to look at the new year: It’s another opportunity God has given each of us to start over again—with Him directing our steps. This year may not have been the successful year for which you had hoped. There may have even been more things that went wrong for you than turned out good. But that was then, and this is now. What’s done is done. This is a new day, and a new year, and God is giving you a fresh start—a new opportunity to accomplish what you didn’t do before so you can succeed and become victorious. In Philippians 3:13, New Living Translation, Paul said: “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” That’s how God wants you to think. He expects you to be like Paul and, as a new creation in Christ, allow your mind to be renewed. So, go ahead. Pray and allow the Holy Spirit to fire up your faith with God’s Word! Take a deep breath, feel the presence and power of God on the inside of you, and step on over into the fresh and the new. Step into the new year with great expectancy and excitement—forgetting what’s behind and pressing toward the blessings that await you. Happy New Year!
Every day, you have an opportunity to be a blessing by sharing your gifts and talents with others. You’re also being a blessing when you give to ministries like The Faith Center and Henry Fernandez Ministries because your gifts enable us to continue sharing the saving message of Jesus Christ to lost people around the world. To make your contributions, go online to thefaithcenterint.org/give and click “GIVE NOW,” or go to henryfernandez.org and click “DONATE.” You can also “text-to-give” by texting the word TFCGIVE to 73256, or by using our CASH APP ($TFCGIVE). Thank you so much for being part of all God is doing here at The Faith Center and Henry Fernandez Ministries.